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New Downloads Section

For some time I have provided download links for most of my FEAR Mods, maps and other tools, but haven’t had a chance to build a single catalog to get them. I wanted to build one, but haven’t had a chance, so I started building one some time ago. As usual I had to stop, but now looks like It’s almost ready, so I will start uploading there most of my stuff.

It Is still under development, and I will need to make It update Itself for the future, but well, It’s here anyway. 


Multilanguage/Cross Version Support Complete

So today Finally the Multilanguage Support for FEAR has been completed.

All official languages are ready to go, unofficial languages are almost complete, but I need to make some extra checks to be sure.

Switch to 1.07 version works, but automatically switch to English language (Switch back to Selected language and 1.08 once the Game is closed, so doesn’t stay in 1.07).

Experimental support for launcher GUI translation works, Spanish Is the only language that Is currently translated, but translating the others should be really easy (but I need to test with languages that don’t use ansi characters).

Downloads? Closed Beta will be available once I complete the upload of the language files.



This is a map inspired in JPNCTF, but It was made to fix the unfair possition of the bases: 1 is up and the other is down. In MXTJPN3K both bases are mirrored.

Some people have complained about this map being too complex, this is not true, but is not a just_go_ahead map, It’s curved and both bases are close to each other, but you can’t take the short path to get there.

Anyway If you feel like bitching about how complex the map is, here is a map:


New FEAR Combat Launcher coming soon

I started working on It, this time It’s a Win32 exe, so It will have all the required features we couldn’t Implement in the existing one.

The features we will include are:

  • AutoUpdate.
  • Advanced Configuration tool.
  • Working Language switcher.
  • Better CDKey update tool.
  • Improved server list with filter and arrange features.
  • Working (again) News section.
  • Working FEAR-Community profile linking.
  • Run Game as Administrator (Implemented).

What is already implemented? Well, nothing. But I know how to implement everything, only need time ( yeah, that’s the bad news ). I hope we can release this for 2013/01/01, but who knows.


Already implemented some of the features.  Most of the old functionality already works, except for the CDKey update, will work on that later!

FEAR Map: MXT Excavation

MXT Excavation.

This map is made as a second stage for MXT Area 3, has the same visual style but is underground. Similar gameplay, but trying to give advantage to people running on the floor.


Download: coming soon.

Created list of my maps

I just created a page to show the full list of maps I’ve made. It needs some updating, but is something.

I’ll need to get some time to complete It, and add WhippingPost’s maps too, since there are some few ones missing and most are not available for download ( I must take care of that too).

Meanwhile you can check It at the list of MXT FEAR Maps.