I just found some inspiration to continue the remake of my FEAR SEC2 Microsite and It’s reaching a close to final status.
The best part Is I no longer need to code the content, since It’s an automatically generated page, very like the SEC2 section, but with notable backend diferences. And yeah, this will also interact with the Server List Manager I’m making for the long term future of the game.
Has been some years since this map set was released. Now I publish this maintenance update that brings a new approach to the layouts of the 4 maps included. (Remember numeration is negative, since this is an underground facility).
This aims to be for a faster, less camping, more dynamic gameplay. Also, includes fixes for most of the spawning issues (inside walls, that allowed some to get unlimited kills, covered behind walls).
Maps Included.
MXT Tanegashima Level -3
Fix to all spawns inside walls. Nothing much more, this map has a good gameplay overall.
MXT Tanegashima Level -3
MXT Tanegashima Level -2
Fix to several behind the wall spawns, and turned some solid blocks into rooms and objetcs.
MXT Tanegashima Level -2
MXT Tanegashima Level -1
This map got a HUGE update, with several changes in the layout that are made mainly as a fix for ASP camping. IF you are a Camper, this is for you, b.
MXT Tanegashima Level -1
MXT Tanegashima Level Zero
GIGAS, COME FORTH! Finally you will se this huge mecha Rise from inside the MXT Tanegashima Complex, ready to fight alien menaces and evildoers. But first let’s capture the flag on this updated version of the map. Shorter, with a new playable and dangerous corridor, new elements for the surface scenario (less room for ASP camp) and Almost nothing to envy Mazinger and his giant pool.
MXT Tanegashima Level 0
Download is available in my redirect, as usual. But If you don’t know what I’m talking about, Just get It here:
You may have noticed I recently changed the naming scheme of my FEAR Maps. So far I’ve made more than 50 maps for FEAR Combat, and while the first 2-3 are largely unknown, some have been played by basically all the FEAR players in the previous 8 years. Currently, I like to categotize these in 3 ages: (más…)
For some time I have provided download links for most of my FEAR Mods, maps and other tools, but haven’t had a chance to build a single catalog to get them. I wanted to build one, but haven’t had a chance, so I started building one some time ago. As usual I had to stop, but now looks like It’s almost ready, so I will start uploading there most of my stuff.
It Is still under development, and I will need to make It update Itself for the future, but well, It’s here anyway.
As soon as I had a spare day, I’m back to work on FEAR Map Making. I have this idea since 2010, but couldn’t put It together until now. I have already the full map layout and I started adding details. I hope I can make It feel almost like a FEAR Stock Map!
Map Name: Yet to be anounced.
I wanted to make a trining-like map for FEAR Combat, and what could better than Call of Duty 4: Kill House?
This map was already made by [TxT]RusTus, a beautifull copy of the original, but while It was awesome in visuals, It lags like hell in low power computers, even If they set graphics to low. So I ended up doing my own version.
this works fine even in lower settings, but the huge action may be laggy for extremely low power PC’s. Anyway, i think It’s far superior in performance, but not as accurate as the first RusTus version. It supports all gamemodes, including Control and SlowMo variants. (más…)
In the last Holidays week I managed to make and release a set of 4 maps. Based in a recurrent theme in some anime series:
The Final defense weapon for the planet. A giant robot. The Tanegashima Space center has been used in some anime series like «Robotics; Notes» and «Captain Earth».
In the MXT Tanegashima Complex Map Set is based in an underground Facility that contains a Gundam Sized robot. Each Map is located in a different level, from 0 (in the surface) to -3 (in the bottom).
Here are some screenshots. After an initial release with some bugs, a final release was published today.
This is a Reload of the original old 13th Floor map, made twice as big than the original to be more suitable for CTF.
The bad thing about It Is the corridors are narrow and long, kinda fun though. (más…)