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Hackers, bans and missunderstandings

In the previous days we have had several events of hacking, false positives and missunderstandings about what SEC2 does, what doesn’t do, and who should be in trouble.
First of all, from SEC2 Readme:

SEC2 is a community maintained server patch for F.E.A.R. Dedicated Server v1.08 (Win32/Linux) that offers new features and improved security.
The concept is based on the original SEC server patch (created by Sinew), but the code has been re-written entirely from scratch based on the F.E.A.R v1.08 SDK.

So, It is NOT based on the original SEC.
It doesn’t «lag» servers or players; because doesn’t add high number of processing to the stock game; It just fixes the logic errors left behind by the original developers, that are actively used by hack makers to exploit possible effects to Servers and players.

With the latest SEC2 2.0.5 Alpha 7 (Yeah, is alpha, not beta, because after beta 2 (mostly stable version), we are pushing this unstable for experimental testing), we experienced again false positives; It was somewhat expected, since we needed to test the logic used to catch some of the most exotic features of the actively on the wild hacks.

This is not new. In the past we have had experienced this. I don’t think I need to explain this, but getting a Ban doesn’t always mean someone is hacking. It can be a false positive, like now.
Also, there are some hack users (I refuse to call them hackers, because that’s not what a hacker is), that use other players names. It can be anyone’s name.

So, what I mean is some name being hacked doesn’t mean they are hack users.
Evenmore, some lag events are reported as hacks; like floating players, missing change weapon events, and some others.

So please before calling someone a hacker, please understand we are still working on the antihack features. This is bad, because we have these incidents; but, on the other hand, I think It’s great to have the possibility to work on the antihack of a 12 years old game!


Rayuela y TOC

¿Qué tan grande tiene que ser el descaro de alguien, para llamar a la mitad de un libro «Capítulos prescindibles»? Cuando bien sabes que estamos aquellos que necesitamos digerir de cabo a rabo las cosas.  Los que nos quedamos a ver los créditos en las películas, los que necesitamos terminarnos la sopa y el guisado aún cuando estamos satisfechos, por el simple hecho de no dejar las cosas a medias.

Lo peor, es que ahora soy consciente de esas cosas que me estoy perdiendo al leer el libro de forma lineal y siento la necesidad de leerlo en el orden alternativo, mientras siento que al menos hay un orden más escondido, esperando ser descubierto. O tal vez ni siquiera tiene un orden; es como un recuerdo, que bien puedes comenzar por el final, por en medio, pero rara vez comienza en el principio.

Tal vez Julio, ésta es tu forma de reírte de nosotros los que desesperadamente le buscamos un sentido a las cosas, un orden, una historia, donde lo que hay es arte; no arte del que es todo felicidad, sino del que es sensación, del que es, solamente es.

No me alcanza el café ni las palabras. tendré que guardarme el rencor y el agradecimiento, porque ya no estás para leer; tal vez así lo querías. ¿Qué se yo?

Lenguaje simbólico

Existe algo que me parece muy poético y casi nunca se puede hacer en la vida real, se llama lenguaje simbólico.
Es casi como un arte, y cuando nadie mas lo sabe, sino solo una o dos personas es aún mas hermoso.
Puede ser una mirada, una sonrisa, un regalo común, que encierra en su interior un mar de incontables galaxias.
Está oculto a plena luz del día, está a la vista de todos y a la vez, nadie lo ve. Porque a veces la gente no ve lo que no quiere ver, o lo que no espera ver. O simplemente no entiende la belleza en las cosas pequeñas.
Existe algo que en este mundo puede ser casi nada, pero en un universo paralelo lo es todo.

FEAR Server Monitor, first Alpha Preview

After the FEAR Combat Ultimate Fate Event, I released what in that moment was the only way to list and join FEAR Servers. Over the next months/years more functionality was added to It.
With every sucesive update, the FEAR Installer included SEC2 and fixed most of the bugs ingame, so the Launcher became obsolete.

At this moment, a tool to track servers and users is not required, because the game works as It used to be.
Still, for Server Admins and players, sometimes is needed a tool to view servers activity; Check If your team mates are already ingame, or just check If your server has some activity.

This is still in an early development stage, but I will try to get a closed beta in the next weeks. Stay Tunned!


FEAR Map making, 2016 Work In progress

As soon as I had a spare day, I’m back to work on FEAR Map Making. I have this idea since 2010, but couldn’t put It together until now. I have already the full map layout and I started adding details. I hope I can make It feel almost like a FEAR Stock Map!
Map Name: Yet to be anounced.
FEARDevSP 01.29.2016 -[2016.01.29_15.47.29]

Donations to =MXT= CTF Server

There have been some changes in the MXT CTF Server.

We moved to a new hosting service; more expensive, but more reliable and much less laggy.

[eAu]Nikki has been helping not only getting It online, but paying most of the cost. Still all donations you can make are more than welcome, and we will Include your name in the server welcome screen, in the donations section.

If you want to help keep It running, you can donate to the paypal acount:

If you have more questions or need extra info, msg to me 🙂