I couldn’t go to sleep without posting this.

Someone, trying to use my name, asking for money to server admins to don’t block their servers.
There’s the option to donate to keep the new FEAR Master Server Running, but even If no one donates, we do ( Phreeze, Morda, other friends, and me). Also as a Donation is something 100% optional, and we have never enforced It, and will never do It.
The action in the image ( I have the video too ) is not about the money, but about the actions and attitude; we at fear-community.org have never and will never require anyone, server admins or players, to pay to play or host a server.
We have spent countless hours and days in FEAR to keep It running, not to get money from It. Please report anyone saying the opposite.
All of us (MXT members,and probably 95% of players) know about the tireless work you and Phreeze have put into F.E.A.R combat without asking for a single thing in return.relax freddy :p