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This is a map inspired in JPNCTF, but It was made to fix the unfair possition of the bases: 1 is up and the other is down. In MXTJPN3K both bases are mirrored.

Some people have complained about this map being too complex, this is not true, but is not a just_go_ahead map, It’s curved and both bases are close to each other, but you can’t take the short path to get there.

Anyway If you feel like bitching about how complex the map is, here is a map:


New FEAR Combat Launcher update (2012-11-01)

Updates today:

  • Read/write of the CDKey works 100% now (Doesn’t need admin rights)
  • If the key.ini file doesn’t exist, It’s created automatically.
  • If the path to the key.ini file doesn’t exists, It creates It automatically.
  • If no key is found, It asks for It.
  • Shows loading message to let user know It’s working.
  • home/multiplayer/profile sections are complete.

What’s missing: (más…)