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Created list of my maps

I just created a page to show the full list of maps I’ve made. It needs some updating, but is something.

I’ll need to get some time to complete It, and add WhippingPost’s maps too, since there are some few ones missing and most are not available for download ( I must take care of that too).

Meanwhile you can check It at the list of MXT FEAR Maps.

Exciting times

I’ve been offline most of the day (online in the phone for a while), but has been an exciting day for me, (apart from the personal success in small, but valuable details in everyday life).

Succeeded in 3 technical challenges and made a proff of concept work too, basically is only 1 left to declare the task list complete.

Wow had been so long since I post something as a personal post, I guess I had forgot about that because of the rush in everyday life.

Well, I go to sleep early today, just can’t stay awake anymore, but I’m sure tomorrow will be another day full of satisfaction 🙂 lol I even want to sing 😛

Thanks ^_^