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FEAR Map: MXT KillHouse

I wanted to make a trining-like map for FEAR Combat, and what could better than Call of Duty 4: Kill House?

This map was already made by [TxT]RusTus, a beautifull copy of the original, but while It was awesome in visuals, It lags like hell in low power computers, even If they set graphics to low. So I ended up doing my own version.

this works fine even in lower settings, but the huge action may be laggy for extremely low power PC’s. Anyway, i think It’s far superior in performance, but not as accurate as the first RusTus version. It supports all gamemodes, including Control and SlowMo variants. (más…)

MXT CTF Server; Wanna Control the Lag?

We will run a Temp CTF Server for 5 days. It should run better (that’s what said). If It does, we will stay there. If not, we will go back to the old IP. Meanwhile, the old Server will run in Control Gamemode.

Tonight It may restart a couple times while I complete the migration, but in a hour or so, It should be complete. Please let us know how It works



UPDATE: The server is back to normal. We will continue running in the same IP’s, since we didn’t detect any improvement in the new location. Furthermore some issues were detected with the server listing.

We will continue with this IP while we find a better hosting option.

MXT UndergroundBase (2014)

This is the updated version of this classic MXT Map. Has the exact same layout, but with renewed visuals. Hopefully It looks FEAR-like enough.

MXT UndergroundBase (2014)
MXTUndergroundBase2014-first_Run.mp4_snapshot_00.05_[2014.05.03_13.01.05] MXTUndergroundBase2014-first_Run.mp4_snapshot_09.39_[2014.05.03_13.03.07] FEARDevSP 2014-05-02 16-25-11-62
Also, I recorded the first match played on this new version.

The map is available for playing at =MXT= CTF Server, and will be made available for download from known  sources in short.

More screenshots:

FEARDevSP 2014-05-03 13-53-48-89 FEARDevSP 2014-05-03 13-54-02-91 FEARDevSP 2014-05-03 13-54-09-01 FEARDevSP 2014-05-03 13-54-23-98 FEARDevSP 2014-05-03 13-54-31-57 FEARDevSP 2014-05-03 13-54-45-93 FEARDevSP 2014-05-03 13-55-00-64 FEARDevSP 2014-05-03 13-55-11-08 FEARDevSP 2014-05-03 13-55-18-33 FEARDevSP 2014-05-03 13-55-25-09 FEARDevSP 2014-05-03 13-55-36-09 FEARDevSP 2014-05-03 13-56-11-15 FEARDevSP 2014-05-03 13-56-33-82