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MXT Reactor 4 Released

MXT Reactor 4 - FEAR Combat Map / 2013
The Splash Screen of the previously announced tier 4 (First of this type) FEAR MXT Map was leaked some mins ago. Our sources confirmed this map has a new detail level, much deeper than previous maps, and includes a huge list of optimizations.

More info will be made available once It’s released to the public, later today.



«Cuando descubrí la programación, hace ya unos treinta (en mi caso quince) años, vi que era lo que había estado esperando sin saberlo. Las construcciones mecánicas de mi infancia se liberaban así de las imperfecciones  materiales, convirtiéndose así en construcciones lógicas, perfectas.»

wow, I feel this.

FEAR World Prefav: AmmoCrate

Well, I made this by request; Is not exactly what I wanted, but should work; since I have little time to make It work the way I wanted, but should be good enough.
Better for single player, for multiplayer It would add too much physics objects, so avoid using It in multiplayer maps.


To replace weapons inside, disconnect prefab and replace weapon model.

FEAR Combat New Master Server Update

So looks like the New FEAR Master Server will be complete soon. All of you must know this is thanks to [eAu]Phreeze, he made All of It.  in some days we will be able to say we survived the GameSpy Apocalipsis and we are still here 🙂

Update: The FEAR Master Server is now working 100%. You can get all updates and info at