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Mexico: 2013

Esto no es una nota periodistica, no es un trabajo de investigación. Es lo que se por leer noticias en fuentes online (serias), NO por lo que sale en TV.

Para quien preguntaba que era eso del caso de florence Cassez.
– Francesa que Participó en secuestros, varias victimas la identifican como persona clave en el secuestro.
– Detenida y procesada hace unos años, aunque con algunas situaciones un tanto irregulares, pero no se ponía en duda su culpabilidad ( por las acusaciones directas de las víctimas ).
– Francia y su gobierno ha estado presionando para que se le extraditara, pero pues habiendo cometido un delito grave, no tendría que ser así.
– Gracias a diversas presiones, se promueve que se revise el caso, alegando múltiples irregularidades en el proceso; aunque eso de ninguna manera debería conllevar a otorgarle un amparo, ya que lo que está en juicio no es su culpabilidad, sino las irregularidades durante su captura y presentación. (más…)

I don’t mean to be mean

But really, there must be respect for what others do. I have always shared my work with whoever has asked for It, I have never denied access to anything, even sources. But taking a creation, ripping parts of It (Or the whole thing), and integrating It somewhere else Is not nice at all.

My sharing licence is simple:

(From )

The files published by me, unless stated otherwise, are releases with the Fred.cpp freeish licence:

You can:

use, copy, share and redistribute this file as much as you want.

You Can not: 

Claim ownership on It.

Modify the content of the file.

Repack the file or It’s contents.

To create derivative works on my existing creations, you need to request my approval.


Violations to these terms will result in a public request to adhere to the terms and, in case of being ignored, public discredit.

FEAR Combat New Master Server Update

So looks like the New FEAR Master Server will be complete soon. All of you must know this is thanks to [eAu]Phreeze, he made All of It.  in some days we will be able to say we survived the GameSpy Apocalipsis and we are still here 🙂

Update: The FEAR Master Server is now working 100%. You can get all updates and info at

Not happy with….

I hate It when someone rips the mods you create and take It and use It, without even ask for It, and glues It to his existing mod, making It look like a stradivarius stacked in a pile of crap.

yeah CRAP.