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Donate for =MXT=CTF Server

Well, has not been a great month, and even when I still have some days left, I need to complete the server payment.

If you feel like helping out here is the donation link ^_^

Donating gives you a reserved slot for 1 month ( or more, depending on the donation ), and your name in the Server loading screen, so feel free to be generous! ^_^


FEAR Combat New Master Server Update

So looks like the New FEAR Master Server will be complete soon. All of you must know this is thanks to [eAu]Phreeze, he made All of It.  in some days we will be able to say we survived the GameSpy Apocalipsis and we are still here 🙂

Update: The FEAR Master Server is now working 100%. You can get all updates and info at

Exciting times

I’ve been offline most of the day (online in the phone for a while), but has been an exciting day for me, (apart from the personal success in small, but valuable details in everyday life).

Succeeded in 3 technical challenges and made a proff of concept work too, basically is only 1 left to declare the task list complete.

Wow had been so long since I post something as a personal post, I guess I had forgot about that because of the rush in everyday life.

Well, I go to sleep early today, just can’t stay awake anymore, but I’m sure tomorrow will be another day full of satisfaction 🙂 lol I even want to sing 😛

Thanks ^_^