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FEAR Combat New Master Server Update

So looks like the New FEAR Master Server will be complete soon. All of you must know this is thanks to [eAu]Phreeze, he made All of It.  in some days we will be able to say we survived the GameSpy Apocalipsis and we are still here 🙂

Update: The FEAR Master Server is now working 100%. You can get all updates and info at

Not so dead

FEAR Combat was shoot again, this time was a very critical shot, but as we can see, there’s still a lot of people interested on It 🙂

(Visits are x4 than before the Master Server Shutdown). Stats Stats

Multilanguage/Cross Version Support Complete

So today Finally the Multilanguage Support for FEAR has been completed.

All official languages are ready to go, unofficial languages are almost complete, but I need to make some extra checks to be sure.

Switch to 1.07 version works, but automatically switch to English language (Switch back to Selected language and 1.08 once the Game is closed, so doesn’t stay in 1.07).

Experimental support for launcher GUI translation works, Spanish Is the only language that Is currently translated, but translating the others should be really easy (but I need to test with languages that don’t use ansi characters).

Downloads? Closed Beta will be available once I complete the upload of the language files.


German Language Missing.

In today news, I still can’t get the german installer for FEAR or FEAR Combat.

but I think I can trick the 1.08 updater to install on top of the english version with some registry hacks.

Will try tomorrow. For now I reinstalled the VM to extract the language packs. I hope I can have more time to work on this.

Server List is almost complete, only needs some visual tweaks.

Will work more on this tomorrow 🙂

Abram – Daños Colaterales / Sacrificio (Hidden Track)

Abram – Daños Colaterales / Sacrificio (Hidden Track)

Este par de temas se merecen un ensayo completo.

Del EP Sangre de mi Sangre, que bien podría considerarse un LP, Se desprende éste, el último track «Daños colaterales», que por si solo es un enorme tema, que barre y recoge la realidad del dia a dia vista desde el punto de un joven que lucha día a día por seguir adelante, a pesar de los daños colaterales de la vida.

20 segundos despues de terminado El Track 9, comienza el tema oculto «Sacrificio», un Tema que podría resultar controversial para algunos, que escupe severos razonamientos sobre un tema algo espinoso, con gloriosos momentos.

Uno de mis ‘temas’ ( par de temas, en este caso) favoritos del Rap Español.

What to do?

Ok, I got about 4 spare time hours.

but Idk what to do, my options are:

  • Sleep! ( I still really need It! )
  • Cleaning my room.
  • Cleaning my workplace.
  • Finish watching TWD.
  • FEAR Modding.
  • FEAR Map Making.
  • Working on FEAR-Community look remake.
  • Watch The Avengers
  • ??
  • Profit! ( hmm ok no ).